Phase One has announced the end of life for their popular P series line of digital backs.
After April 11th, 2o19, Phase One will no longer offer service for the P 20, P 21, P25, P 30, and P 45 digital backs. You will still be able to download manuals and receive technical support, but no repair service will be offered.
This does not include the P+ line of digital backs, including the P 20+, P 21+, P 25+, P 30+. P 40+, P 45+ and P 65+.
from Phase One:
From April 11th 2018, Phase One A/S will no longer offer service for P-series camera backs.P 20 Serial number Prefix: CD, CE, CF and CG
P 21 Serial number Prefix: CU, CV, CW and CX
P 25 Serial number Prefix: CH, CI, CJ and CK
P 30 Serial number Prefix: CM, CN, CO and CP
P 45 Serial number Prefix: CQ, CR, CS and CT
After the above-mentioned date it will still be possible to download software, manuals and get support for the products, however, Phase One will no longer provide any form of service for this product.
History behind P-series
Phase One P 20 and P 25 were introduced in 2004. This was the first range of truly portable camera backs from Phase One which included storage and TFT screen.
The P 25 had a 22mp sensor in the size of 48.9 × 36.7 mm, while the P 20 had a 16mp square sensor in the size of 36.9 × 36.9 mm.
In 2005 Phase One introduced the updated range of P 21, P 30 and P 45. P 21 and P 30 had sensor sizes of 44.2 × 33.1 mm and a resolution of 18 and 31mp respectively.
P 45 was at this point the top of the line of any medium format camera back with a physical sensor size which was equivalent of the P 25 but with a resolution which was boosted to 39mp.
NOTE: This announcement does not affect the P+ series camera back range whose status remain as fully serviced. The P+ range include: P 20+, P 21+, P 25+, P 30+. P 40+, P 45+ and P 65+.