On April 11th, Phase One announced that it will no longer offer service for non+ P series digital backs. BUT- don’t fret. Contact us to find out how much your P series digital back is worth!
From Phase One:
From April 11th 2018, Phase One A/S will no longer offer service for P-series camera backs.
P 20 Serial number Prefix: CD, CE, CF and CG
P 21 Serial number Prefix: CU, CV, CW and CX
P 25 Serial number Prefix: CH, CI, CJ and CK
P 30 Serial number Prefix: CM, CN, CO and CP
P 45 Serial number Prefix: CQ, CR, CS and CT
After the above-mentioned date it will still be possible to download software, manuals and get support for the products, however, Phase One A/S will no longer provide any form of service for this product.
History behind P-series
Phase One P 20 and P 25 were introduced in 2004. This was the first range of truly portable camera backs from Phase One which included storage and TFT screen.
The P 25 had a 22mp sensor in the size of 48.9 × 36.7 mm, while the P 20 had a 16mp square sensor in the size of 36.9 × 36.9 mm.
In 2005 Phase One introduced the updated range of P 21, P 30 and P 45. P 21 and P 30 had sensor sizes of 44.2 × 33.1 mm and a resolution of 18 and 31mp respectively.
P 45 was at this point the top of the line of any medium format camera back with a physical sensor size which was equivalent of the P 25 but with a resolution which was boosted to 39mp.
NOTE: This announcement does not affect the P+ series camera back range whose status remain as fully serviced. The P+ range include: P 20+, P 21+, P 25+, P 30+. P 40+, P 45+ and P 65+.
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